Shoestring Theory

Currently documenting the house that is eating our lives, we will return to regularly scheduled programming in a couple of more months

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The penultimate stats post on the 2008 eBay boycott

February 24, 2008 at 7:35 pm by thetheorist

Boycott stats
More stats from PowerSellers Unite.

Barring any shocking (or even interesting) news about this year’s eBay boycott, this should be the next to last post dealing with the numbers. As always, statistics are from PowerSellers Unite. You can visit them to see the current volume versus the same time on the previous day at their site anytime.

Total listings increased 39,472 over the same time yesterday, or a 0.29 percent increase. Listings have pretty much stabilized and are in line with how the month started. On some forums, I’ve seen calls to extend the boycott to really stick it to eBay, but being as how very little seems to have been stuck anywhere, well, you get the picture. Technically the boycott runs through the 25th, so I’ll check these one more time tomorrow.

Boycott stats
Thanks for the charts PowerSellers Unite!

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