Shoestring Theory

Currently documenting the house that is eating our lives, we will return to regularly scheduled programming in a couple of more months

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A well deserved nod of appreciation

December 9, 2008 at 11:49 am by thetheorist

The ladytheorist as art
The ladytheorist commissioned this work from Don as a graduation gift for me (and yes, that is actually her neck and shoulders).

My friend Don has been helping out at the house tons. Framing new walls, adding in some joist supports in the cellar, planning out the plumbing, and more to come, I’m sure. I can’t express my appreciation of all his time and work enough. But I thought I could send some traffic his way. Beyond being an awesome friend, he also creates some amazing pieces of art through bodycasting. The ladytheorist commissioned the piece above as a gift for me when I finally graduated. Go check out some of the work he has at KC Bodycasting. Be aware that some of the galleries would probably be considered NSFW as they do contain works of art depicting the naked body.

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