Shoestring Theory

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Updated – CNN: You Vote, We color coordinate

February 6, 2008 at 12:14 am by thetheorist

CNN Delegate Map
Screen capture of Feb. 5, 2008 video stream from

So I’m in full political junkie mode, watching the live stream from CNN while surfing the web looking for more SupTu (that’s how the cool kids say it) info.

The colors on CNN’s Republican Super Tuesday map floored me:

  • McCain: Republican Red, the color of a patriot’s blood
  • Huckabee: Pinkish (or coral as CNN called it), the kind of color you deck the guest bathroom out in, not what comes to mind when one names “Presidential colors”
  • Romney: Sh*t brown. Sure, CNN called it bronze, but we can all see who they’re taking a dump on

Glad I got a screen shot of this one, as I couldn’t find the same map on their site.

[Update: So the ladytheorist tells me that I’m color blind and that Romney’s color is in fact “Rusty Red.” Still not a presidential color. What does everyone else think?]

[Update numero dos: The Daily Show ran a bit mocking all of the map colors the TV news channels used to identify SupTu candidates. I feel vindicated now. They don’t have an embed code for the color map bit, but you can check out the intro after the jump or head over to]

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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Kate W. Feb 6, 2008 at 8:16 pm

    It’s burgundy. You’re color blind.

  • 2 thetheorist Feb 6, 2008 at 9:09 pm

    Well, that’s two votes for me being wrong. I should check out this map on another monitor too. One of the problems with colors on the web is that they can appear different from one monitor to the next. Hence, one danger of using color coding in anything that could be controversially interpreted.

    I was super proud of some pictures I had uploaded to a site about a year ago, only to discover they were almost useless on a friend’s monitor when I checked them (too dark).

  • 3 AtTheBat Feb 7, 2008 at 12:21 am

    I’d call it dried blood, but I’d settle for burgundy. You’re dead on about the pink/coral color, however.