Shoestring Theory

Currently documenting the house that is eating our lives, we will return to regularly scheduled programming in a couple of more months

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eBay introducing its own affiliate network, dropping ValueClick

March 18, 2008 at 12:55 pm by thetheorist

The Register is reporting that:

eBay is dropping ValueClick’s Commission Junction as the manager of the affiliate programs for eBay’s auctions and sites. Monday’s announcement came as the Federal Trade Commission announced ValueClick would pay a record $2.9m to settle charges it engaged deceptive advertising and failed to secure sensitive customer data.

About 100,000 eBay and affiliates will be required to migrate away from ValueClick’s Commission Junction by May 1. ValueClick has managed the affiliate programs since 2001. For now, eBay will continue to use Commission Junction to manage programs for properties including StubHub, ProStores, eBay Stores and Tradera AB, but it left the door open to drop ValueClick on those sites as well.

To state the obvious, this does not bode well for ValueClick. You can read eBay’s official press release for more details. The program, eBay Partner Network, will launch on April 1.

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The Submit button may not be appearing or working correctly in IE6. I would suggest upgrading to IE7 or Firefox 2 for full functionality (I'm still looking for a solution to this if anyone knows one).

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  • 1 AtTheBat Mar 19, 2008 at 11:32 am

    Leave it to eBay to roll out a program on April Fool’s Day.