We finally have our first room that is capable of fulfilling its destiny. The main bath now includes a bathtub, vanity with sink, toilet and hot and cold water. Yah! I’ve been wanting to post pictures of the vanity for so long, but have waited until it was complete. It’s a real work of art, and I give all the credit to the ladytheorist. She found this old dresser at an antique store and totally reimagined it as a bathroom vanity. It has inch thick marble tops, which ended up presenting the largest problem with converting it. Most people we could find who could drill holes through that marble refused. They were too worried about cracking it. But we finally found a guy in Kansas City who was happy to oblige, and he did a phenomenal job. All of the plumbing has been crammed into the top drawer, leaving the bottom drawer usable and the little tower drawers are fully usable. Even the sides of the top drawer should be usable if I install a couple of partition walls to keep people from putting things where they would hit the plumbing.
I still have some finishing touches, a few more pieces of trim and a door, but the room is fully functional and 95 percent complete, by far the furthest along.
We had a lot of really great things happen last week. The lady’s sister Carrie was in town and helped us paint for a couple of days, which was a tremendous help. Don and I laid hardwoods down in my office, and thanks to the painting, can lay down more in the master bedroom and master bath now. I’ll try to get more pics up later this week.
Tags: bathroom · house · remodel · vanity3 Comments - Follow the string
3 responses so far ↓
That is really, really beautiful! Congratulations on a room checked off (95%)!
WOW! That is a STUNNING sink setup you’ve got there!! Can’t show this to the wife, she’d kill for a tub like that. Excellent work y’all!
Thanks guys!
The bathtub is really exciting, can’t wait to use it. We got lucky with that tub. A good friend won it an auction for a tiny fraction of what that thing is actually worth. Brand new, still crated and everything.