About Shoestring Theory
The theory that most businesses and projects can be launched on a shoestring budget and still succeed. Besides commenting on eBay and online business, hopefully this blog will shine some light on the mysteries of starting a business with virtually nothing and turning it into a vast global empire. Well, or at least make more money than you spend on it (“turning a profit,” as the cool kids call it).
About Courtney (aka thetheorist)

I started my first eBay business three years ago and have been doing it full time for the last two years. For now, I’m not going to link to my eBay ID with this blog. I don’t want this blog to be a gateway to my business. This is a chance for me to share some of my knowledge to help, and perhaps amuse, others. I also have experience running a small retail website.
I graduated from the University of Kansas with a bachelor’s degree in journalism in August 2007. After becoming self-employed, it’s been hard to imagine going back to work full-time for someone other than myself. I miss writing though, which is one of the reasons I’ve launched this blog. And I don’t want to let my writing and reporting skills get rusty just because I’m running a retail business right now.
Email me at thetheorist (at) shoestringtheory (dawt) com
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