Shoestring Theory

Currently documenting the house that is eating our lives, we will return to regularly scheduled programming in a couple of more months

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It’s all smiles at eBay

January 31, 2008 at 5:59 pm by thetheorist

Positive Feedback
One of the many positive feedback I’ve collected.

eBay seems to be being a bit two-faced with their introduction to the feedback changes. The introduction to their changes reads:

The eBay Feedback system was designed to provide a simple, honest, accurate record of member experiences.

An honest record of member experiences. Not seller experiences, not buyer experiences. Member experiences. But, how can you say any system of feedback is fair when the first bullet point in the list is this gem:

Buyers will only be able to receive positive Feedback.

So, one side can say whatever it wants, and the other can reply with positive feedback. How is that an honest or accurate record of member experiences? Among businesses that facilitate trade between two parties, eBay has been rather unique in that it allows sellers to grade buyers. No more.
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A shoestring theory is…

January 31, 2008 at 3:36 pm by thetheorist

an idea that you suspect is true based on personal experience or anecdotal evidence, but for which little or no evidence exists to prove its validity.

A primary function of the internet is to facilitate the development and growth of shoestring theories.

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Panic at the auction house

January 30, 2008 at 2:33 pm by thetheorist

Smoke and Mirrors
Smoke and Mirrors by ravenheart-tka: CC on Flikr

My hopeful anticipation of eBay’s changes in fee structure quickly turned to panic as I clicked through the links in the announcement email. My heart beat quickened, the room seemed to shrink around me, everything started to get a little fuzzy. I saw my business going down in flames, customers gaining all control over the eBay marketplace, fees devouring every hard earned dollar I make. It was the end, might as well start polishing up the resume and looking for a real job. That blog I was about to start, this one, kiss that idea goodbye.

Quickly scanning the official eBay forums, I wasn’t the only one seeing the virtual sky crashing down. The boards were flooded with righteously angry sellers.

After a day of crunching numbers and talking to others in the industry, I’m still not happy with what eBay has done but I don’t think it is the end of the world. This was a confusing change and so far I haven’t seen eBay handle it as well as they should have. (Hit the read link below for my in-depth analysis of what the new fees mean.)

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On a shoestring…

January 30, 2008 at 11:33 am by thetheorist

Welcome to Shoestring Theory!  This will be a blog about eBay, PayPal, online auctions, auction fraud and a whole host of other things.  Between myself, my fiancé, friends and associates, I have access to years of experience running a variety eBay businesses.  You’ll also find random commentary on science, games, media, news and who knows what else, though in general I’m going to try and stay on topic.

I started my first eBay business three years ago and have been doing it full time for the last two years.  For now, I’m not going to link to my eBay ID with this blog.  I have some privacy concerns (but obviously not that many as I’m running a blog), but mostly I don’t want this blog to be a gateway to my business.  This is a chance for me to share some of my knowledge to help, and perhaps amuse, others.  My education is in journalism and I hope this will be an outlet to let me practice many of the writing skills I’ve learned over the years.

Don’t expect to find get-rich quick schemes or any of that crap here.  I won’t tell you how to make a million bucks on eBay.  I work hard every day to keep my business churning along and I expect most other small business owners do to.

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